pull up a seat and get your blue light glasses on
Master your Money with The Blueprint Model! From pricing, to budgeting, to taxes, to setting up your bank accounts— The Blueprint Model is a complete financial system to help you understand your business numbers and put systems in place to stay on track and in tune with your money day to day.
Not a "regular budget", gimme a cool budget! In this program you’ll learn how to determine your personal financial needs and pay yourself a steady paycheck each month from your business, how to spend your money the way you want to spend it, how to save towards big financial goals, and how to create a spending plan you actually want to live by!
This program includes a five-day goal-setting course, a one year business journal (aka the course workbook) sure to become your new business bestie and keep you on track throughout the year + a lesson library full of additional resources to help you achieve what matters most!
^^ Best. Feedback. Ever.
Lives Changed through The Blueprint Model
Blueprint at Home Student Success Stories
My Blueprint Year Goal-Setters