2019 is off to a wild start! I’ve sat down to write this post about five times already and here we are already getting it out a week late. That’s just how 2019 has been … and sometimes that’s just how life is. Amen?
The team and I walked into 2019 with a plan in place, goals on paper, and a launch strategy ready to roll. January is traditionally our biggest sales month of the year with my signature program, The Blueprint Model, opening its doors for new students.
Over these past few weeks we’ve been welcoming in our new students while simultaneously welcoming in an unexpected twist in plans (more on that to follow). January taught me that sometimes even the best plans get side-tracked, they get interrupted, they get changed.

I was 21 years old when I started the practice of annual planning. This was something I did each year on a little mini retreat during my time as a financial advisor and have continued over the years as I launched my own business. It’s a time to sit down, reflect and learn from the past, and then make intentional plans for the future. In 2018 I wrote down my entire annual planning process and released it in a short mini-course, My Blueprint Year, along with creating a business tracker & weekly planner to stay on track month by month!
I walked into 2019 as I have done every year with my nine goals on paper and a action plan to reach said goals. But there was something lingering this year … something I couldn’t quite name and therefore couldn’t quite plan for. I went into January praying for discernment. For answers. And while sometimes we get those open and closed doors as requested, sometimes we just don’t.
Midway through January I sat down, taped closed the entire Goals Section in My Blueprint Year planner, and started from scratch. I asked myself “Shanna, at the end of 2019 what do you really want to see happen. If nothing else goes as expected, what do you really want to see accomplished?”
And this is what came out :
My NEW 2019 Goals
- I want to weigh _____. Ok, so I have a number but I’m not going to share that here because it’s not the number that is important, it’s the healthy Shanna behind that number. We’re going to get personal here. In 2018 my health went out the window. I allowed work to consume my days and with a busy schedule comes way too many comfort food nights. Reaching a healthy weight is not only good for my body but also good for my mental health. I’m one of those unfortunate types who gains weight when stressed. So I know by losing weight, my stress level also has to dramatically change.
- I want to be six months (ideally 12) ahead on content. I am someone who shuts down when if I feel rushed … something I would imagine I have in common with most 4 year olds! Lol! When I’m rushed, I tend to slow down not speed up. I hate rushing through work just to get it done. I would rather put out less with excellence. That’s just me. So getting ahead is really important and creating an action plan to make this happen (less content, more delegation, more intention) is how this will actually happen.
- I will not work Sundays. I know not all of us share the same faith but I do think we all agree how important REST is for our health (and businesses!). By the end of 2018 I was working about 70+ hours a week in order to launch two new products, six new classes and hire five team members. In January the Lord reminded me that Sabbath isn’t a suggestion … it’s a command. I want to live out sabbath rest in 2019.
- Read 12 books. This has everything to do with slowing down in the evenings and practicing my evening routine. We have a no screen-time rule starting 1 hour before bed (ideally two) to spend that hour winding down. I typically pick up the house a bit from the day because order helps me sleep 😉 and spend 30 minutes reading. I don’t read any business books at night as they tend to turn my brain on so I’m selective about what I’m reading before bed. Business books are reserved for weekends or I listen to audiobooks while I workout.
- Cultivate prayer life. I am loving Val Marie’s Yearly Prayer Journal to help me with this!
January Takeaways :
There are going to be seasons, months or maybe even years our goals may look less like “Hit $xxx Sales Goal” and more like “Be Joyful on the other side”. Maybe you walked into 2019 with cards you couldn’t control. Maybe you’re having a baby or want to have a baby this year and have no idea what that’s going to look like, maybe you’re in the midst of a move, or your spouse is changing jobs. Sometimes we are in seasons we cannot plan. In those seasons, where do you want to sit at the end of them? When things don’t go as planned or plans are up in the air, what can you control? Focus on what you really want to see happen by the end of the year (or this season) and start there.
January Progress :
Personal :
- Start running again | Yes! Hired a personal trainer and have been consistently working out 4+ days a week!
- Reset morning and evening routines | Made Progress! Feeling great about the changes in January. 21 days to break a bad habit but 90 days to create a new one. You’ll see this come back up in February goals.
- Finish & Order Kyle’s 2018 memory book | No! Darn! Didn’t get this one done and don’t foresee it happen in February – March?!
Professional :
- Get studio setup and functional | Yes!
- Streamline team roles | Made Progress. We adjusted some roles and clarified delegated tasks. I think over the next few months we will continue to streamline processes to maximize efficiency in each role. While having a team is absolutely great, it’s easy to get stuck “collaborating” and not “doing”! So we still have some work to do to make team time the most productive it can be!
- Write & Prep Q1 content | No! Totally missed this one (hence this post coming out a week late!) but have adjusted my schedule accordingly to spend more time creating and getting ahead in February.
Financial :
- Get 2018 bookkeeping up to date and sent to accountant | Yes!
Related : Need help getting tax day ready? Free for February get my step-by-step “get tax day ready” plan to make it easy-peasy. Learn More.
- Finalize payroll setup | Made Progress! Gosh, payroll. Woof. We have two more lingering account numbers we are waiting for but crossing our fingers everything on our end is complete!
- Pray daily over 2019 BPM enrollment | Yes!
Memories Made :
- Relax in an outdoor hot tub
- Reflect on the past year
- Celebrate Sadie birthday (she turned 7!)
- Took our annual cabin retreat we dubbed our “vision retreat” thanks Karen Stott
January Features :
February Goals :
Personal :
- Continue building morning & evening routine habit
- Consistently exercising four days a week
- Meal-Planning even during a busy season
Professional :
- Write, Record & schedule all Q1 & Q2 content
- Prep Blueprint at Home relaunch
Financial :
- Finish personal tax prep & send to CPA
- Blueprint Summit plans well underway in preparation for April ticket sells
- Sell out 2018 My Blueprint Year planners
Memories to Create in February :
- Bake Valentines Cookies
- Attend a Superbowl Party
- Order Galentines Gifts
- Dine at a fancy restaurant
- Wear something sparkly
- New Fuzzy Slippers
How did January go for you? What are you February Goals? Share in the comments below and I’ll pick one of you to send a special surprise box of goodies from past live events! Snail mail is my favorite! And so is staying accountable to our goals!
Shanna!!! Thank you for being so brave and for sharing this! I planned in a few goals this year and then tried to “work them into my already full schedule” instead of prioritizing them. Reading your changes gave me clarity. I needed to re-write my goals. So last night I sat down to do so. What I found was that by prioritizing those goals first, my other goals will automatically be fulfilled BECAUSE they are actually results of my first goals. Will it be easy? No. But it will be worth it! Thank you for being brave. I needed it! – Mandy
Mandy thank you for being so brave and sharing all of this with us all. It can be hard to re-write goals, but the clarity that can come from doing so is truly incredible. I’m so proud of you for seeing that these “new” goals are results of your first ones and that the road to get there won’t be easy but so so worth it. Cheering you on as we walk together in this journey of reaching outcomes! xo
I really resonate with your quote, “January taught me that sometimes even the best plans get side-tracked, they get interrupted, they get changed.” We battled bronchitis and pneumonia from the last week of December well into the new year, and I felt as though I just LOST an entire month of work. And the kids have been home for almost a week this month due to four back to back snow storm. I’m torn between “being a good mom” and telling myself to savor these precious moments. I’m falling further and further behind in my business (I’m only in the beginning stages- aka just launch my website, and wearing all the hats to make it an actual business and not just an expensive hobby). This is a sweet and gentle reminder to rest, and we have to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Thank you for this reminder, Shanna!
Oh Michelle I feel your heart in all of your words. I think often we need to remind ourselves and be reminded by others that it’s okay to slow down and it’s okay if things change. In the hustle-and-bustle seasons it’s easy to feel like we are falling behind, but at the end of the day gratitude and memories made are all that matter. Let me know how I can continue to encourage and support you in this season! xo
Hi Shanna! I made edits to my goals mid-January as well. This however, made achieving goals last month challenging due to limited time. For February, I will be working on homework for my website relaunch as well as a photo shoot; have taxes ready to go, and hit my water and fruit intake goals for overall wellness. 🙂 I am still getting familiar with the planner but love it so far. Thanks for this great tool to keep track of everything; and your updates are so helpful and encouraging! Hugs!!
Thank you so much for sharing Moya! Making edits to goals is absolutely normal and something we must do to stay aligned with what we truly want by the end of the year! Love hearing about your website relaunch. That is so exciting! YAY to all the water and fruit. So happy to hear that these updates are encouraging. Let me know how I can continue to support you and your goals this month!
Thank you so much for this Shanna! It was just what I needed this morning. I have struggled with reaching my goals, I am grateful to hear someone who seems to get everything done at lightning speeds say that it is a challenge and it’s okay to not finish everything on the ‘to do list’. I realized in reading this that I too tend to become even slower when I get overwhelmed. I need to shift my goals to accommodate this struggle. I am so grateful I found you…I hope someday I can tell you how it happened. I was praying I would find someone like you and you were praying I would find you (your goal: praying daily over BPM 2019 enrollment). There are marketing metrics that can’t be measured because they are supernatural. There are paths that collide because God has a bigger sales funnel than we can ever create and He prepares hearts and finances in ways beyond our imagination… I am sending a warm hug your way! I am so grateful for you!
Um cue all the tears. “I was praying I would find someone like you and you were praying I would find you…..There are paths that collide because God has a bigger sales funnel than we can ever create and He prepares hearts and finances in ways beyond our imagination.” This is everything my heart needed and more. Thank you Olivia. This is so beautiful and so so true. God has bigger sales funnels than we could ever imagine. Hugging you right back as we walk through this season together. So grateful for you! xo
Thank you so much for sharing this! Life is complicated haha. I really respect your dedication to sabbath. We struggle with that because as a wedding floral designer im busy many Saturdays, and my husband and I are very involved in our church, I volunteer in one or two capacities Every Sunday. And my husband works a weekly 9-5 job,. So…. a day of rest seems to be something we can never ever find. Do we just need to cut something? Or are we just not able to have that kind of rest? I’d love your thoughts. And thank you for this blog!
Life is SO complicated! 🙂 Maybe right now during this season of your life a full day of rest is hard to come by, but try to find moments of days where you both can find time to rest together. Maybe make a Monday Night date night where you order in food and sit on the couch shoulder to shoulder watching a movie. Or maybe you find time on Sunday after church to go for a quiet walk. If you are able to take Monday as your recharge day that could help start your week rested and revived. I hope that helps! And thank YOU for your kind words. So grateful for you. xo
February goals are all about prepping next month’s content (which is a game changer when I actually create it in advance). Your quarterly content planning is inspiring! #goals Also diving into my blueprint year. So excited. Thank you!
Yes to prepping for next month’s content!! Love that you are inspired by the quarterly content planning and hope that it can help you throughout the year. So excited for you and can’t wait to hear how you like My Blueprint Year! Here’s to planning content ahead together! xo
Hi Shanna! I just got my planner in yesterday and I am so excited to start filling everything out! So glad you shared this because now I know how to better fill out all my checklists! Happy February! 🙂
YAY I’m so glad it arrived. We hope you LOVE it! Can’t wait for you to dive in and fill it out! Be sure to share with us inside the Blueprint Community your February goals so we can cheer you on! Happy February! xo