6 Money Moves to Make in 2025 to Cozy Up with Your Business's Numbers (Without Spreadsheet Meltdowns or Budgeting Burnout)

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A Look Ahead : My 2024 Goals

I’m not going to lie, 2023 was a trip! Our biggest business goal of the year was to restructure our offers and sales systems. Though we haven’t seen the fruits of that labor just yet, I am truly so so glad we took the time to rebuild so much of the back-end of our business […]



I’m not going to lie, 2023 was a trip! Our biggest business goal of the year was to restructure our offers and sales systems. Though we haven’t seen the fruits of that labor just yet, I am truly so so glad we took the time to rebuild so much of the back-end of our business so we can show up and serve our students even better in 2024.

To give a brief backstory, since 2016 when I first launched The Blueprint Model we have only offered our courses 1-2xs per year. That means for the majority of the year, we had nothing for sale! Dumb.

With Kyle joining the business officially in 2021 to run all things tech and ads. Lauren is now on the team to manage our editorial content and podcast. and our incredible copywriter helping produce new blogs each and every week… we were all systems go for seeing more consistent sales day in and day out. One big problem— we had nothing for sale!

That’s what prompted our 2023 full business model redesign, launching the Creative Money Shop, and allowing more of our incredible courses to be sold exactly when YOU need them!

What Worked, What Didn’t, and Lessons Learned in 2023: the full recap is here! 

That leads me to 2024!

With a new baby on the way, I finally feel like we have the products in place, the infrastructure in place, and the team in place to see consistent product sales without the need for me to show up day in and day out. Truly a more “scalable” business model and gosh, I cannot even express the relief that brings!

My Word of the Year: Savor & Sprint

Savor : to delight in, enjoy completely. 

Sprint : to run at full speed over a short distance. 

Years ago I had a friend tell me, “Shanna you work at either 180 or 0. What if you could work at 90 all the time?” For a long time I really wrestled with that, working at 90% all the time does seem to make more sense. But these past few months, I’ve really embraced the fact that I like to push hard and I like to rest equally as hard. That doesn’t mean I have to wait until the deadline to get started or stress myself trying to hit unrealistic timelines … but it does give me permission to chase after big goals and also not feel guilty when I’m just vegging on the couch or having a dance party with my tiny tot.

Savor & Sprint. It feels like the perfect pace for 2024!


My Goals for 2024

1. Settle in our new home

We are currently in the process of selling our house and aren’t sure where we are going to land next. I recently have voiced how much my environment affects my soul – like a chaotic home makes me feel chaotic. So a big goal for me is to get settled into our new space, wherever that may be and make it feel like home (curtains, pictures, an organized closet, all the things!).

2. To feel like an athlete

For most of my life I have been a very active person. I grew up as a gymnast, played several sports in high school, and have always enjoyed running. For the last several years, caring for myself hasn’t been given the priority of time or attention that it needs, and I am feeeeeling that lack of care now! As I near the end of my pregnancy, overjoyed to welcome another little person into our family, I am also excited to make space for health, sleep, wellness, journaling, movement, and meal-planning this year. All the things that make me feel like me that I have not tended to these last few years. Setting a weight loss goal sounds great but didn’t really get to the deep desire for health I am craving, and having energy for my life and babies of course sounds good but also just didn’t seem to capture it. The other night I was chatting with Kyle and he mentioned “feeling like an athlete” and I was like yes, that is it! Strong, Energetic, Healthy, Alert. THAT is my goal! I’m so excited to chase after this goal in 2024!

3. Be where your feet are (true time off)

I have a lot of friends who “integrate” work and home so well. I on the other hand do not! I like a clean separation of the two. Being able to recognize that and voice my needs has been huge. Though I do not expect perfection, I want very clear work and home times. This will allow me to be fully dialed in at work and fully present at home, which feels so exciting. I know this also means being very intentional with how my work time is being spent— when I’m overextended I find my work smearing over into home time. (see next)

4. Less but Better

This entire past year has really been dedicated to restructuring the business so it can work while I don’t. You know what I mean? Sales while you sleep, that kinda vibe. It has been so hard and tedious and a lot of work that most people will never see – but I finally feel the business is so close to the vision we have for it!

I recently read an article about the idea of “Less but Better”, an idea originated by Dieter Rams and implemented into businesses like Apple. “Simplicity in design with optimum function”.  This idea resonated with me so much. I don’t want to just do “less” because I don’t have enough time. I want to do less so that I can show up even BETTER in the things we are doing.

I think less gets such a bad rap.

With an incredible team in place and very clear roles, I am excited to do my few jobs really really well this year and make our content and products the BEST they can be FOR YOU!

5. Audience Growth

As mentioned a few times, we’ve been really working to restructure the company. Now that we’ve done the cleanup and prep work, I am jazzed to get this work to the business owners who need it! I am diligently using my business stats & marketing tracker to watch progress on our website traffic each month (and other marketing metrics). Our team will likely be investing in education on content marketing, pinterest, SEO and ads to continue honing our skills in these areas and increase brand awareness.

6. Financial Abundance

A new baby on the way, new team members coming on board, and products selling in a new way— I want 2024 to be the year we see growth in the finances of the company. The Lord has always been so faithful with his provision, we have always had enough. But, we’ve been relying on that enough number for a few years now… and there’s a piece of me that is ready to reach for the stars this year! If nothing else than to prove to myself that it can be done and overcome my own limiting beliefs.

There you have it!

What are your goals for 2024?!



January 12, 2024

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