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Building Strong Business Foundations. Brittany & Jenna’s Story.

Leaving a steady paycheck & going full time on your business is a big leap for many entrepreneurs. Taking the time to build strong foundations while making this leap can make all the difference in growing a profitable and sustainable business in the long term. I love when students take my signature course The Blueprint […]



Leaving a steady paycheck & going full time on your business is a big leap for many entrepreneurs. Taking the time to build strong foundations while making this leap can make all the difference in growing a profitable and sustainable business in the long term. I love when students take my signature course The Blueprint Model in the early stages of their business so they can establish deep roots to grow and flourish.

While money may not be the reason you started your business, it will be what helps you stay in business. Establishing strong financial foundations at the start of your business ensures you will be able to withstand the endless seasons and challenges you will face as an entrepreneur.

Each month we spotlight one of our incredible students and this month I’m beyond thrilled to feature the sister duo behind Barnett Crafted, Jenna Means & Brittany Moskowitz. Through my signature course The Blueprint Model, Brittany & Jenna built a thriving business that allows them to honor what truly matters most to them, their time & love for celebrating the little things in life!

Without further ado, Meet Jenna (one half of Barnett Crafted)!


Let’s start with some fun stuff! Lightning round, here we go:

Tell us what you do:

We design custom stationery, invitations, signage, and party goods to elevate your event.

Vice/Guilty Pleasure:

There’s not much I feel guilty about loving 😂 I guess fantasy and YA novels if I had to choose something!

Favorite Snack:

Literally any kind of chips and dip situation OR the monster trail mix from Target.

Something you’re proud of:

Quitting my very stable job that I had been at for 8.5 years to live the dream and start this business with Brittany.

What you’re currently working on:

Wedding invitation suites for next spring, final details for holiday parties and NYE weddings, people who waited until the last minute to do their holiday cards 😂, miscellaneous birthday parties and bridal showers coming up this winter!

We probably wouldn’t guess…

I have four tattoos. I’ve officiated two weddings!

Best advice ever received?

“You are free to dream a new dream.” For a long time, my job at my nonprofit was my dream job, and I was afraid to leave it for that reason. But hey, we can have new dreams too!

Currently Reading/ Listening to/ Watching:

Watching the new season of Fargo & New Girl for the 500th time, Listening to LÉON radio on Spotify, Reading Firekeeper’s Daughter

Can’t live without…

Ugh, coffee. I wish I had something better for me 😂 I would also say: my kindle. Reading a little bit before bed every night is my favorite thing!

Secret Fantasy Job:

The person who cuts movie trailers, aka Cameron Diaz’s job in The Holiday LOL

What do you want everyone to know reading this?

You are free to dream a new dream!!!!


Let’s talk turkey, I mean, Business!

How did you hear about Shanna?

Brittany found Shanna through Brynn Casey, an artist she’s been following for years

In what ways have we worked together so far?!

The Blueprint Model

Why did you decide to work with Shanna?

We knew we would be launching our business full-time soon, and wanted to set up the strongest possible foundation right from the start! The Blueprint Model helped us do just that, and having The Blueprint Model community to get direct feedback from Shanna and other members has been invaluable.

Tell me about the big ‘aha’ moments you had during The Blueprint Model!

Literally the first block when we determined our core motivators. I had never seen it broken out like that — and realizing that TIME, not creative expression like we originally thought, was both of our core motivators’ was essential in building our business. Realizing that not everything we love had to be part of our business was huge….here’s something from my notes: “Your business can be one thing, and other pieces can still be just for you. You want your business to be profitable, and will help you do your ~art~”

Tell me about one change or success you’ve experienced since working together!

Our business was more or less built on our love of celebrating all the things, so something we were really excited about was brainstorming what we should send out as holiday client gifts this year. We ended up making ornaments that were basically little versions of whatever we designed for people, and the feedback we’ve received from folks has been the most heartwarming. It’s just fun to see the *direct* impact of something born from our brains, ya know?

Okay, real talk— What would you tell someone considering buying a course or working with Shanna?

It’s like working with a friend! I really appreciate Shanna’s full transparency — like, literally pulls up her own P&L’s to talk through numbers and how to work through things for your own business while showing you with her business numbers. I don’t think ANY other business coach that I know of operates in that way.

Anything else you’d like to share about you, your story, or your business?

Probably important to note that Brittany & I run this business together. We took the courses separately and compared notes as we went. I haven’t seen a lot of other businesses in BPM coaching calls that operate like us, but it’s been no different for us as we go through the course, which has been great! We’re planning on retaking the BPM every year once we get more and more experience — I know we discovered the basics the first time, but as our business grows and we learn more, I know we will find new helpful nuggets within the course. Grateful to have the opportunity to continue taking the courses forever!


“I really appreciate Shanna’s full transparency — like, literally pulls up her own P&L’s to talk through numbers and how to work through things for your own business while showing you with her business numbers. I don’t think ANY other business coach that I know of operates in that way.

— Jenna Means

Jenna, thank you so much for sharing more of your’s & Brittany’s story. It is an absolute honor to have such amazing students like you two! And I loved getting to know you better through this spotlight! Can we be Cameron Diaz inspired movie trailer cutters together?

Want more inspiration? Plenty more stories that are sure to inspire you, Click Here for more Student Success Stories! If you’re ready to feel empowered in your personal and/or business finances, I’d love to work together either 1:1 or or through my signature program, The Blueprint Model!





The Blueprint Model



Photo of Jenna and Brittany of Barnett Crafted

Jenna Means & Brittany Moskowitz

Sister design team behind Barnett Crafted creating custom stationery, invitations, signage, and party goods to elevate your event. It’s all in the details…let us help you with that 😎


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January 23, 2024

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