Student Spotlight


Remember the dreams and passions you carried as a child? After working with creative entrepreneurs for years, I love hearing the stories of how they ended up where they are today. The threads from their childhood that spilled over into their life and work as an adult. Maybe you’re an artist who’s found comfort and […]

Photo of Katie Devlin of Things Katie Makes

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Many entrepreneurs I work with shutter in their fur-lined, work-from-home slippers at the mention of their business finances. If you fall in team creative entrepreneur, you’ve likely said something along the lines of “I’m just not a numbers person” at some point in your journey. While money is likely not the reason you went into […]

Photo of Sarah Klongerbo of Quotable Copy in black and white typography shirt.

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While society may sell you on building a 7-figure business, what if their version of success isn’t the same as yours? What if the shiny gold star you were given for burning the midnight oil is drowned out by the copious amounts of espresso and eye masks needed to simply make it through the next […]

Photo of Stefanie O'Neill of November Made

Leaving a steady paycheck & going full time on your business is a big leap for many entrepreneurs. Taking the time to build strong foundations while making this leap can make all the difference in growing a profitable and sustainable business in the long term. I love when students take my signature course The Blueprint […]

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Many entrepreneurs I work with go years without paying themselves a steady paycheck (more on that here!). There are so many reasons why: fear, not understanding money, not having enough money, etc. But paying yourself shouldn’t be a luxury. Just like overhead and product costs, paying yourself is a sign of health in your company. […]

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I am so thankful to live out my dream each day by helping entrepreneurs overcome their money fears & money mindsets. It’s an honor to work with such talented people and watch their businesses flourish once they understand the power of knowing their numbers. Each month we spotlight one of our incredible students and this […]

Courtney Fanning on Overcoming Money Fears

Linda looked at her business on paper and saw a lot of money coming in but nothing left over at the end of the year. After a particularly grueling year in 2021, with 66 events and still unable to take a paycheck, Linda called me. It was time to finally figure out the numbers & […]

Photo of Linda Whitten Owner of Wedfully Yours

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One of the greatest honors of my life (other than being a wife to Kyle and mama to Madelyn) is helping creative entrepreneurs around the world build income-generating businesses that align with the life they want to live. Each month we spotlight one of our incredible students and this month I’m beyond thrilled to feature […]

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You probably didn’t start your business thinking about setting a goal for your business’s profit margins. You most likely lead with what you do best—how you serve people, what you create, and how you solve problems. And while shiny, exciting metrics shout for attention constantly—followers, subscribers, clicks, open-rates, you name it—there’s one key metric that […]

From Burnout to Breakthrough. How Copywriter Kathy Young cut her workload in half without sacrificing a penny of revenue.

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One of the greatest honors of my life (other than being a wife to Kyle and mama to Madelyn) is getting to help others build businesses around the life they want to live. Each month we spotlight one of our incredible students and this month I’m beyond thrilled to feature Sarah Bourne Rafferty and her […]

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One of the greatest honors of my life (other than being a wife to Kyle and mama to Madelyn) is getting to help others build businesses around the life they want to live. Each month we spotlight one of our incredible students and this month I’m beyond thrilled to feature Grace Paul! Grace is building […]


From no paydays to regular paychecks, Fear of charging to confidence in pricing, no money left over to a show on the Magnolia Network...


Calling all business owners seeking financial guidance— I've got your back!