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When is the Right Time to go Full Time in Business? Carly’s Story.

One of the greatest honors of my life (other than being a wife to Kyle and mama to Madelyn) is helping creative entrepreneurs around the world build income-generating businesses that align with the life they want to live. Each month we spotlight one of our incredible students and this month I’m beyond thrilled to feature […]



One of the greatest honors of my life (other than being a wife to Kyle and mama to Madelyn) is helping creative entrepreneurs around the world build income-generating businesses that align with the life they want to live. Each month we spotlight one of our incredible students and this month I’m beyond thrilled to feature Carly Piersol!
After eight years as a side hustle, Carly FINALLY got the confidence to take her photography business full time. She worked through my signature course, The Blueprint Model, and learned to price her work for profit. Instead of burning out and losing her passion for work (like she’d seen happen to so many of her photography friends), she was able to take her time figuring out her boundaries and a pace of work that works for her, establish a monthly money routine that helps her track important numbers, and ultimately, create a sustainable and profitable photography business in year one! I am excited to have her on the blog to share her story!
Without further ado, Meet Carly!


Let’s start with some fun stuff! Lightning Round, here we go:

Tell us what you do: 

I’m a portrait and brand photographer in New York City. I love helping people see and connect to their own beauty and purpose.

Vice/Guilty Pleasure : 

Books! I’m a huge reader, but I also love exploring cute used bookstores (possibly too much, given my overloaded bookshelves, hahaha)

Favorite Snack :

My husband’s stovetop popcorn. I can make it, but somehow it just tastes better when he does it 🙂

Something you’re proud of: 

For a long time, I watched other photographers burn out and fall out of love with their art. I’m proud of taking my time, figuring out my needs and boundaries, and finally taking my photography business from long-time side hustle to full-time at a pace that works for me.

What you’re currently working on: 

Continuing to build up my blog and improve my portfolio site’s SEO. It’s a journey!

We probably wouldn’t guess…

I was once on my school’s wrestling team (I joined on a dare and ended up loving it!)

Best advice ever received? 

“A photographer’s job isn’t to photograph beautiful things. It’s to take ordinary things and bring out their beauty.” – my uncle, when teaching me how to use a camera

Currently Reading/ Listening to/ Watching: 

Finishing up Ted Lasso / the Normal Gossip podcast (the perfect fun listen while editing tons of photos!) / The Utopians by Anna Neima

Can’t live without… 

breakfast tea with milk and sugar

Secret Fantasy Job: 

So many! Florist in the English countryside, small-town librarian, owner of a bookstore–cafe–wine bar. I’ve already made my previous fantasy job of full-time photographer come true, so who knows what the future holds 🙂

What do you want everyone to know reading this? 

You are beautiful, you are loved, and you are worthy of good things


Let’s talk turkey, I mean, Business! 

How did you hear about Shanna? 

Courtney Fanning of Big Picture Copywriting created and shared a list of the best things she purchased for her business, and The Blueprint Model was one of them. I think I signed up for the waitlist the very next day!

In what ways have we worked together so far?! 

The Blueprint Model

The Money Club (our new membership community!)

Why did you decide to work with Shanna?

I had taken a few business classes before that didn’t quite fit my personality or the direction I wanted to take my business. The more I read about Shanna and The Blueprint Model, the more I could see myself belonging to this amazing community. I’m so glad I did!

Tell me about the big ‘aha’ moments you had during The Blueprint Model! 

Pricing for profitability! I had previously priced for what felt “reasonable” given my clients, the market, and the fact that at that time, I wasn’t doing it for a living. Actually sitting down and figuring out where my money and time went was extraordinarily helpful, especially since Shanna helped me set up ways to continue tracking that moving forward!

Tell me about one change or success you’ve experienced since working together! 

I was profitable in my first year of business! I was able to celebrate that because I actually knew what was coming in and going out and could track that monthly.

Okay, real talk— What would you tell someone considering buying a course or working with Shanna? 

Nike-style: just do it. It’s the best decision I’ve made for my business!


This is the first time I can see my business as sustainable… and that’s huge!”

— Carly Piersol

Carly, thank you so much for sharing more of your story on building a profitable photography business and experience working together. I am so grateful for such amazing students like you! And loved getting to know you better through this spotlight! 

Want more inspiration? Plenty more stories that are sure to inspire you, Click Here for more Student Success Stories! If you’re ready to feel empowered in your personal and/or business finances, I’d love to work together either 1:1 or or through my signature program, The Blueprint Model!





The Blueprint Model

The Money Club

Consider the Wildflowers Podcast



Carly Piersol Photography

Carly Piersol is a portrait and branding photographer in New York City. She works with the career-focused, the creative, and the camera-shy to make stunning images that boost confidence and create brand clarity. She’s collaborated with authors, career coaches, designers, photographers, and more to create a wide range of photographs they can use to tell their story.


Website | Instagram 




August 22, 2023

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From no paydays to regular paychecks, Fear of charging to confidence in pricing, no money left over to a show on the Magnolia Network...


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