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Four Months with Madelyn James

Two Words : Baby Kisses! How can it be? Four months? The best way I can describe life right now is to tell you a story. Yesterday I went for a run … my first run in over a year! 3.11 miles was rouuughhhh but so strangely wonderful. Naturally I collapsed on the floor once […]



Two Words : Baby Kisses!

How can it be? Four months?

The best way I can describe life right now is to tell you a story.

Yesterday I went for a run … my first run in over a year! 3.11 miles was rouuughhhh but so strangely wonderful. Naturally I collapsed on the floor once I made it back home, totally winded and beet red. Miss Madelyn was sitting in her chair playing with her latest favorite toy (this teether ball from Mushie), Kyle was putting finishing touches on the new baseboards he just installed, and Ellie Holcomb’s new album Canyon was playing on the speakers. Sadie sprawled in the middle of the floor per usual.

Madelyn looked over and smiled at me, her sweet, happy, gummy little grin. I look over at Kyle and thought to myself … “I love my life”.

This time is so very sweet. Madelyn is such a joy. She’s happy, she’s silly, she smiles all the time. I love waking her up in the morning, she grins, throws her hands above her head and curls her feet to her chest. She is truly a delight and I’m so grateful every day to be her mama.

We have a lot going on in our lives right now. We are finally wrapping up a major two year house renovation project (Praise the Lord!), while also completely updating my signature program, The Blueprint Model, in preparation for open enrollment happening next month (all without childcare, eek!).

Madelyn is an absolute trooper. She is totally fine just hanging with us all day, playing quietly with her toys, or telling us all kinds of stories. She is a bright light in our lives every day.

Back to Work

I’m officially back to work now and we have some big, exciting projects we’ve been working on. Honestly in the limited hours I’ve been working, I’m amazed at how much I’m able to get done. Working a solid two days a week has made all the difference. I really like having that dedicated time so I can be fully present at work during work hours, and fully present with Madelyn when I’m not working.

Right now I’m also sneaking in extra work during her naps on my “off” days and often another 2-3 hours after she goes to bed —to make sure we get everything done before The Blueprint Model enrollment opens in August (without having to pull any all nighters!!)

It’s honestly working well right now, however I definitely foresee having some real come to Jesus conversations with myself in the future knowing that I cannot take on as much as I once did without sacrificing some Madelyn time.


This month we hit some sleep hiccups. After sleeping through the night for quite a while, MJ started randomly waking up at 4:30 each morning and basically every hour on the hour after til 7:30 when I get her out of bed. Most of the time she goes back to sleep with just a pacifier, but it’s still not easy for mama to roll out of bed 3xs every morning.

At first I thought it was just due to the sun rising so early here in Duluth… but hmm.. we’re still working to figure it out. She’s also definitely too interested in the world around her to nap, so yea… sleep. We took the Taking Cara Babies Newborn class and loved it so I’m considering getting her Navigating months 3-4 e-book. We shall see 😉


We are officially done with breastfeeding as of a week or so ago. Madelyn just pretty much was over it. I’m sure a combination of low supply and the bottle being easier/faster. I let myself be sad, celebrated how special of a time it was for a chapter of her life, and then said a formal goodbye.

Memories & Milestones

  • She has officially found her toes. She likes holding onto her feet and also using her feet to kick the toys on her play gym.
  • She has also found her thumb and occasionally pops it in her mouth to chew on it.
  • She has gotten extremely vocal this month, no giggles yet but loads of squeals and screams (not always happy ones lol).
  • She is really starting to grasp on and hold things. She holds onto her burp cloths like a lovey blanket.
  • Her favorite things this month : this teething ball and this rattle.
  • Oh my goodness, the cutest thing… she is captivated by shadows. She will follow our shadows as we walk outside and loves watching the tree leaves outside our kitchen window dance on the cabinet doors while I make her bottle each morning.
  • She’s noticing Sadie now, and the tv.
  • And she weirdly likes to rub pillows, we have a lot of linen in our house so I think she likes the texture.

Month 4 Takeaway

Life is slow and simple and completely beautiful. I’ve found myself slowing down, learning new rhythms, and being perfectly ok knowing that I’m choosing less efficiency and less productivity in this season in order to soak up more snuggles with my girl. I’m grateful I get to make that choice.


Month 1 / Month 2 / Month 3


July 18, 2021

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