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June Review, July Goals + Quarter 2 Recap

This past week I sat in the back row behind over 150 other creative entrepreneurs listening to speaker after speaker give encouragement, insight, and big takeaways on how to grow our businesses in 2019. I am still processing nuggets of wisdom from so many speakers but today I want to let you in on some […]



This past week I sat in the back row behind over 150 other creative entrepreneurs listening to speaker after speaker give encouragement, insight, and big takeaways on how to grow our businesses in 2019. I am still processing nuggets of wisdom from so many speakers but today I want to let you in on some mindsets shifts Lara Casey handed out my way.


We just ushered ourselves into Q3 of 2019. What?! How did this happen? That means 2019 is half way over. Right now you’re having a “way to go me!” moment or (probably more likely) a “how did this happen?” moment!

If you’re anything like me, 2019 hasn’t looked anything like you thought it would. I’ve made some big huge decisions in 2019 that majorly affect the future. My goals have shifted and honestly I’m not even shooting for the same goals I walked into on January 1 of this year.

So back to last week, Lara Casey challenged me in two ways ….


Name the significant days in your life? (ie. October 22nd, the day Kyle and I got married). Are any one of them January 1st?

As Lara so beautifully reminds us, there is nothing magical about January 1. The BEST day to start is the day you want it. Start Today!


What story do I want to tell about 2019?

Yes, we are six months in but that leaves six months to go! What story do you want to tell about 2019? I want to say that I rejoiced, I loved well, I gave it my all and finished strong.

So as I share my Q2 review, June Review + July goals below, know that these goals all started by thinking “It’s December 31, 2019, what did I do with the second half of this year?!”

Maybe you want to ask yourself that same question too!

Related : How to Conduct a Quarterly Business Review

Whether you’re using the My Blueprint Year tool or not, I encourage you to take some time this month to sit down and reflect on how far you’ve cover these last six months as a whole. It’s great to focus month by month, but it’s also so cool to see how that little progress adds up with time and continued effort.




  • Finish household transition to Minnesota (licenses, banks, tags, address change, etc) | Made Progress
  • Establish new doctors in MN | Made Progress
  • Look into Fitness classes or personal trainer | Made Progress


  • Q3 Content Scheduled | No.
  • Contact Printers about BPY 2020! | Yes! Excited to announce we will be offering My Blueprint Year planners for 2020!
  • Transition business to Minnesota (update licensing, addresses, payroll, etc.) | Yes!


  • Approach Ambassadors for secret project (more details on this to come!) | Yes!
  • Open Ticket Sales for Blueprint Summit 2019 | Yes!
  • New Video Series (coming in July!!!) | No.


  • Miami girls trip!
  • Creative at Heart!
  • Minneapolis Day trip with Kyle




  • Finish household transition to Minnesota (licenses + banks)
  • Establish new doctors in MN
  • Choose health (sleep + sabbath rest) even during busy season


  • Write the BEST WEBINAR Ever for August 8th Live Class!
  • Prep for final enrollment of all courses during the Legacy Campaign!
  • Pre-schedule all July + August Content


  • Create Remodel budget for house project
  • Find a housecleaner

JULY READ : finish Rising Strong by Brené Brown


  • Fourth of July weekend trip with Kyle
  • Celebrate Kyle’s birthday
  • Annual Camping Trip


It’s December 31, 2019 …. (fill in the blank with what you’ve accomplished).


July 3, 2019

Jump in on the conversation, we read each and every comment!
And if you found this helpful, share with your friends!

  1. Andrea says:

    Took your advice and shared my 2019 goals “publicly” on my blog. I will take ALL the accountability I can get. 🙂
    Thank you for being such an inspiration to me.

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