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Steadfast Society Podcast Feature | Build a Business on Your Terms

Have you ever believed your business wouldn’t be a “real” business until you hit six-figures? Let me guess, you’ve been running those social media drills for the past few years, but still can’t seem to move the needle forward on actually growing your business. Sometimes it seems in the hustle of trying to do “all […]

Steadfast Society Podcast Feature with Shanna Skidmore


Have you ever believed your business wouldn’t be a “real” business until you hit six-figures?

Let me guess, you’ve been running those social media drills for the past few years, but still can’t seem to move the needle forward on actually growing your business. Sometimes it seems in the hustle of trying to do “all the things” you just end up tired with not much progress to show for it.

During my year long social media free experiment I sat down with Beth Harper of Steadfast Society and shared my philosophy of “business built for life” and how to build a business on your terms (for the life you actually want to live).

How to build a business on your terms

Going social media free for eighteen months turned out to be one of (if not the) best decisions I’ve made for myself, my family and my business. My goal was to learn more about marketing (which I can confidently say I have) with an unexpected bi-product of self-confidence, contentment and trust.

Some of my favorite topics from this podcast include :

  • Recognizing the tradeoff of making six-figures versus the lifestyle you really want
  • No one is giving permission to your season of life
  • Permission to live life on your terms
  • 7% of the general population deals with anxiety and depression, that number is 30% within the entrepreneur community

Tune into the entire episode :  Episode 002 : Steadfast Society Podcast “Life First, Business Second”

A few highlights include :

  • Shanna’s Background Story (2:42)
  • Moving from a one-to-one model to a one-to-many model (7:42)
  • How to actually put your life before your business (9:25)
  • How to design a business model that works for your life (11:00)
  • How to not sacrifice everything on the road toward success (14:55)
  • Why I took a year off social media (16:11)
  • What results did I see from quitting social media (18:30)
  • How to overcome comparison when it comes to social media (20:33)
  • The positive mental effects of quitting social media (22:11)
  • How social media has expanded our customer market and how to do that well (25:25)
  • Best advice for pricing your goods and services (28:13)

Listen :  Episode 002 : Steadfast Society Podcast “Life First, Business Second”

The resources mentioned include :


Free 1-Hour Class : How My Business Survived a Year without Social Media

Shop the Shop!

The Art of the Sale : Book more clients at higher price points …

How to Jumpstart your Brand

Essential Boundaries in Business

Steadfast Society Podcast Feature with Shanna Skidmore


October 12, 2018

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