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Defining What Success Means to You. Stefanie’s Story.

While society may sell you on building a 7-figure business, what if their version of success isn’t the same as yours? What if the shiny gold star you were given for burning the midnight oil is drowned out by the copious amounts of espresso and eye masks needed to simply make it through the next […]

Photo of Stefanie O'Neill of November Made


While society may sell you on building a 7-figure business, what if their version of success isn’t the same as yours? What if the shiny gold star you were given for burning the midnight oil is drowned out by the copious amounts of espresso and eye masks needed to simply make it through the next day? In other words, what happens when the “dream” doesn’t feel so dreamy? Today on the blog I’m thrilled to spotlight one of my students who after defining her version of success was able to build a business that better aligned with her life and dreams.

Since moving from Germany in 2015, owning a creative business has been Stefanie O’Neill’s American dream. As a military spouse and mother, a business that allowed flexibility, freedom, and creativity were non-negotiable. While Stefanie started The Blueprint Model with a service-based business, she walked away with a product-based business (built from the studs for profitability and sustainability!). Today, she is packing up her latest wholesale orders with confidence and peace not only in her pricing but also in her future. That’s every entrepreneurs dream after all, isn’t it?!

I am so excited to have her on the blog to share her story. Here she is, meet Stefanie – Founder and Owner of November Made!


Let’s start with some fun stuff! Lightning Round, here we go:

Tell us what you do:

I own a sewing studio called November Made. I mainly sew European-style grain heat pads (I’m from Germany), but I’m starting to add other items as well.

Vice/Guilty Pleasure :

Trader Joe’s lava cakes hands down!

Favorite Snack :

Chocolate covered almonds

Something you’re proud of:

Finally having the courage to jump into entrepreneurship when I found out I was pregnant because I didn’t want to someday tell my daughter to chase her dreams when I was never brave enough to do the same. Definitely needed that wake-up call!

What you’re currently working on:

I’m currently fulfilling wholesale orders after my first trade show! Still can’t believe my products will be in a handful of stores. Slow but steady growth!

We probably wouldn’t guess…

That I’m from Germany. People often tell me I don’t have an accent – I think I do, just maybe not as strong of an accent as you’d expect a German to have (lol).

Best advice ever received?

You have nothing to prove, you are already approved of.

Currently Reading/ Listening to/ Watching:

Currently listening to Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots by Mary Marantz. Highly recommend!

Can’t live without…

Podcasts and Audiobooks!

Secret Fantasy Job:

Probably flight attendant or any job that involves lots of travel!

What do you want everyone to know reading this?

Don’t be afraid to quit something that’s not working for you.


Let’s talk turkey, I mean, Business!

How did you hear about Shanna?

Through her podcast! I’m obsessed! Nothing else like it out there.

In what ways have we worked together so far?!

The Blueprint Model

Why did you decide to work with Shanna?

I always knew the weakest point in my business was my understanding of finances. I struggled with pricing my services, setting specific goals, and sticking to them in a predictable way. I’d heard of The Blueprint Model and almost joined a few times, but — as a frugal solopreneur — I let the price tag scare me off.

Then last fall, when I got an email from Nancy Ray talking up her friend Shanna and her incredible Blueprint Model course, I decided I was finally ready to commit. Somewhat on a whim, I signed up — and quickly learned it was one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made!

Tell me about the big ‘aha’ moments you had during The Blueprint Model!

Week 1 Vision Casting! I know I’m not the first one to say this, but somehow the vision casting module in Shanna’s course is different. I was ready to dive into how to get my pricing right in my (at the time) service-based business, but I didn’t make it past Week 1. The BPM didn’t just transform my business, it made me pursue a different business entirely, while also helping me set this new business up for success. You see, I briefly started a sewing business in 2015 but had convinced myself that it could never be a “real business”, and never gave it a real shot. The BPM put an old dream back on my radar and showed me that, yes, this can absolutely be a real business and that it actually aligns way better with my personality and goals than what I was currently doing!!

Tell me about one change or success you’ve experienced since working together!

I just did my first wholesale trade show and my products are now in several stores! I’m confident in my pricing thanks to Shanna, because I know it’s competitive and set up to pay myself and hire help down the road. I finally feel so much peace and I’m excited for what’s ahead! Thank you Shanna!!

Okay, real talk— What would you tell someone considering buying a course or working with Shanna?

I know it’s an investment and there are so many courses to choose from these days, but this is THE one you need. Shanna doesn’t just set you up for financial success, she also makes sure that you’re running a business that fills your cup.

The BPM put an old dream back on my radar and showed me that, yes, this can absolutely be a real business and that it actually aligns way better with my personality and goals than what I was currently doing!!

— Stefanie O’Neill, Founder of November Made

Stefanie, thank you so much for sharing more of your story and experience working together. I am so grateful for such amazing students like you! And loved getting to know you better through this spotlight!

Want more inspiration? Plenty more stories that are sure to inspire you, click here for more Student Success Stories! If you’re ready to feel empowered in your personal and/or business finances, I’d love to work together through one of my courses!





The Blueprint Model

Consider the Wildflowers Podcast

Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots by Mary Marantz



Photo of Stefanie O'Neill owner of November Made in black shirt and jeans.

Stefanie O’Neill

Ever since moving from Germany to the US in 2015, owning a creative business has been Stefanie’s American dream. With November Made, she seeks to create beautiful goods and gifts that spread warmth and spark joy, serving both retail and wholesale customers.

Stefanie is a wife, mom, and military spouse. When she’s not sewing and dreaming up ideas in her studio, you will most likely find her at a coffee shop with a friend, enjoying the outdoors, or on a flight to Germany.


November Made Website| Instagram





April 23, 2024

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