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The 4 Money Personalities: Which Type Are You? | Weddings for Real Podcast Feature

It’s no secret that the messages we receive during childhood affect us long into our adult lives – and nowhere is that more obvious than our relationship with money. In this episode of the Weddings for Real podcast with Megan Gillikin, I’m breaking down the four money personalities, how to identify yours, and how each […]

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It’s no secret that the messages we receive during childhood affect us long into our adult lives – and nowhere is that more obvious than our relationship with money. In this episode of the Weddings for Real podcast with Megan Gillikin, I’m breaking down the four money personalities, how to identify yours, and how each of the money personalities affects your business and personal life.

Some of us were taught that money “didn’t grow on trees”, that it was unpredictable, or impolite to talk about. All of these messages shape our financial habits and behavior. And I have to say, as someone with both a finance and psychology degree, this is one of my favorite subjects! 

The first step in discovering your money personality is to uncover the invisible money scripts running your life. From there, we’ll talk about how to reframe your old beliefs and build new habits to create a healthier relationship with money. Ready to get started?

Press play for the full interview or browse the highlights below!

“There are so many money messages and scripts that play out in our lives, and we don’t even realize it.”

-Shanna Skidmore

Highlights include:

  • Why you need to understand the financial side of your business even if money isn’t a strong motivator for you (6:08)
  • How to uncover the invisible money scripts running your life (9:10)
  • The four money personalities and how to identify yours (13:14)
  • Are you a money martyr? How to reframe money as a tool for good (20:15)
  • The hard truth each money personality type needs to hear (22:55)
  • How to implement money dates into your routine (32:00)
  • Why you need a plan before you sit down with your finances (34:50)
  • How to create a shared vision when you and your partner have different money personalities (37:42)
  • How spending based on your values can increase your happiness (44:15) 
  • Managing your money as a couple: the pros and cons of joint vs. separate bank accounts (46:42)
  • The five key numbers you need to know in your business (50:13)
  • Four people you need on your finance team and who to hire first (52:12)

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September 26, 2023

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