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Money and the Lies We Tell Ourselves

Welcome to “The Best Thing I’ve Learned About Money” audio blog series. This is where you’ll hear from fellow creative entrepreneurs and mentors all about one specific topic: MONEY Today we are so excited to introduce you to our featured guest, Megan of Megan Martin Creative, as she shares the best thing she’s learned about […]

Money and the Lies We Tell Ourselves in “The Best Thing I’ve Learned About Money” audio blog series with Megan Martin of Megan Martin Creative | Shanna Skidmore #entrepreneur #money


Welcome to “The Best Thing I’ve Learned About Money” audio blog series. This is where you’ll hear from fellow creative entrepreneurs and mentors all about one specific topic: MONEY

Today we are so excited to introduce you to our featured guest, Megan of Megan Martin Creative, as she shares the best thing she’s learned about money!


Money and the Lies We Tell Ourselves in “The Best Thing I’ve Learned About Money” audio blog series with Megan Martin of Megan Martin Creative | Shanna Skidmore #entrepreneur #money


Hey friends!

I’m Megan Martin, a Branding and Marketing Strategist for creative industry women and owner of Megan Martin Creative, a Marketing & Website Template shop.

With 7 years experience in biz running a digital download shop, speaking at conferences, collaborating with dream brands, & booking 5-figure custom design clients, I share all that I’ve learned (and continue to learn!) about building a magnetic brand, effective marketing, and the science of conversion.

And today, I’m excited to dive into the best thing I’ve learned about money in hopes that my story can encourage you to talk about money AND to define what success means for you.



I’ve been in business over 7 years. I’ve seen the world of Instagram go from a random place of late night in the moment snaps to our entire industry using it as a way of supporting their businesses. I’ve seen educators come and go. And I’ve seen the online industry boom. In all of that time, the best thing I’ve learned about money is that it is simply a tool.

Beyond providing for our most basic human needs, it isn’t a means to happiness.

It isn’t a benchmark to success.

It doesn’t prove anything.

Money is just a tool. A tool to exchange for things we need and want.

But as the infopreneur space increases, more and more creatives are pummeled with messages that tell us differently. Messages that glorify the 6-figure status at all costs.

Messages that drag us into comparison.

We find ourselves questioning what we’ve built with doubtful thoughts of :

“Are we really successful if we aren’t bringing in over 6 figures? Is that the entrepreneur end goal?”

This is my imposter syndrome.

It isn’t pretty, but after quite a few conversations, I fear the main connection we’ve placed on 6 figures with success in the creative industry has sparked a similar version of exhausted “imposters” in every niche.

But the truth is, if money is just a tool, it doesn’t define us. It doesn’t define our success. Only you can do that.

On the other side of the coin, if money is just a tool, there is nothing wrong with it. If 6 or 7 figures is your target, you go girl.

If you’re shooting for less because you have other things in life to do, you go girl.

If money is just a tool, we should be able to talk about it comfortably.

And not only when we hit the sexy 6-figure status.

A recent study of over 3,000 Americans by the investing app Acorns showed that 68% of people would rather talk about their weight and sex life, then money.

Colin Walsh, CEO of Varo Money shared, “Talking about money is culturally shameful. Everyone needs it, and it controls so much, but no one wants to talk about it.”

The more I share my thoughts and feelings about it online, the more I realize that talking about money is entrepreneurially shameful, too.

The best way I’ve learned to combat imposter syndrome is to bring the dark little lies we tell ourselves into the light and talk openly and honestly about them. So even though I’m writing as a guest for one of our industry’s best financial experts who probably makes much more than I do, I’m going to bear it all. And hopefully encourage you to celebrate your own version of success, too!


That’s my number.

As in 90k. That’s how much our family needs to take home to support our life. I’m not over here tryin’ to hustle the multi 6- or 7-figure mark. I’m just trying to provide for what we need (and pay my team and bills!).

The truth of the matter is, my husband Jeremy is SUPER smart. From day one of our marriage, we have worked to live below our means and invest in residential real estate. In our circus of moving 7 times, we’ve acquired 4 homes (1 we are in and 3 we hold as long term rental properties).

It takes a huge pressure off for the future so we can work faithfully now, but rest in enough knowing that we have a future financial plan.

Maybe that makes me unqualified to teach. I don’t know. It seems 6-figures is the benchmark to success as an educator. But maybe it makes me more qualified to teach. Because I’m not going to miss out on what matters in life for the chase of more.

I fight the ever chatty imposter voice in my head that says I have no place sharing because my benchmark isn’t world domination empire building. Just me and J providing enough for our family.

I know it is silly. When I say it out loud it IS silly.

That’s the thing about coming to terms with the lies we tell ourselves.

They ARE silly.

THIS little business I built in-between baby snuggles and spit up is supporting our family. That’s crazy and exciting! I GET to live in a world where I am constantly free to create and that is FUN! J gets to work by my side in this season instead of doing the corporate thing which we’ve been dreaming about forever!

I shared about this recently on Instagram, and was overwhelmed with the responses from creative peers.

Thoughts like Cinnamon Wolfe, a fellow educator, who replied, “Megan, same girl same. When I was in corporate America, I made 95k and felt so successful, now it feels like not enough because it’s not the 6-figure mark. When in reality building your own biz to 90k is a huge accomplishment and absolutely qualifies anyone to lead and guide others….In my opinion anyway. I don’t have aspirations to multi 6/7 figures either, I just want to make enough for my husband and I to be able to travel the country and give back!”

Shanna Anderson commented, “I would rather hear more stories about this kind of success because I think it’s what so many of us are dreaming of, but the constant parade of 6-figures or nothing makes all of it feel kind of unachievable.”

Amber Veatch shared, “The internet needs more of this. The glorification of doing what you love and family time simultaneously. Six figures sounds lovely, but definitely not my definition of success either and that’s okay.”

Emily Duke said, “Love this! I’m also over here working to support my family and enjoy my life. Not trying to take over the world. I took Shanna Skidmore’s advice of deciding what is enough for you and being happy with it. It has really changed my perspective.”

There are days when I forget that money is just a tool.

I get lost in the numbers. In coming up short. In comparison. I forget my why. I forget what really fires me up.

Comparison steals the good in everything and I’ve learned it is a daily decision.

So not today, little voice. Not today.


Thank you so much for tuning in to this week’s “the best thing I’ve learned about money” series.

In the comments below, I would love to hear what success looks like for you and if you’re up for it, share with us the best thing you’ve learned about money, too!


Money and the Lies We Tell Ourselves in “The Best Thing I’ve Learned About Money” audio blog series with Megan Martin of Megan Martin Creative | Shanna Skidmore #entrepreneur #money


February 28, 2019

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