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By Marieanna Wild, as told by Sara Shelton Part of our “My Blueprint Story” Series Confession: I used to be a money avoider and big time saver. I’ve never been one to spend. I’ve always been one to save, but never for any specific purpose or reason in mind. I think I’ve always just been too afraid […]
By Marieanna Wild, as told by Sara Shelton
Part of our “My Blueprint Story” Series
Confession: I used to be a money avoider and big time saver.
I’ve never been one to spend. I’ve always been one to save, but never for any specific purpose or reason in mind. I think I’ve always just been too afraid of the “what if’s” to actually ever dive into knowing how to use my money wisely.
But here’s what I’ve learned:
I work as virtual and event brand manager for small business owners. I’m coming up on one year in business, and the whole thing has really been a dream come true for me.
I’ve always had an interest in serving small business owners with my own work, but if I’m being honest, I never thought it would be financially feasible for me to actually step out and do it. But when I started working through the Blueprint Model in 2018, I began to really consider that this dream might actually be a possibility for my life.
There was just one problem: the numbers.
As a money avoider, I didn’t really understand them, and I knew that I didn’t want to take a step out into the world of self-employment without the security of knowing it could really and truly work financially. I wanted to make the leap, but not before seeing how it could work on paper.
So, I dove in. I started looking at every single number both in my business and in my personal life to consider what it would take to make it work. I looked at taxes, my husband’s income, our own personal financial goals, trips we wanted to take, projects we had coming up in our house, our average monthly expenses, my possible business expenses, money we wanted to give to our church, my goals for saving an emergency fund. It was a lot!
But it was also worth it!
Because I’ll never forget the day I realized that this business could actually happen for me. I remember calling my husband in the room and saying, “Look, I think I can do this!”
Really taking the time to understand my finances gave me the confidence to quit my full-time job. It gave me the freedom to step into doing what actually made me feel fulfilled.
Now, I’ve gone from a total money avoider to a complete numbers geek. In fact, my husband and I already have our entire year mapped out financially. Why? Because it gives us the direction we want to go in and the freedom to move toward it.
Knowing my numbers has…
It’s given me the knowledge I need to understand my pricing, my expenses, my boundaries, and so much more. It basically helped me write a business plan.
Without knowing and understanding my numbers, there wouldn’t even be a business. To be able to sit my husband down and show him our need and how my business can support our families need gave me even more confidence to pursue these dreams with a strong plan in place.
It’s helped me understand the why behind my pricing and be able to speak confidently about that to my clients.
Instead of discounting my price just to get the next client, I stick to what I know my family NEEDS and put my value in that alone.
Honestly, knowing my numbers has not made me more afraid to use my money; in fact, it’s made me feel like I can use it with more freedom to do good things for other people!
Every year the pieces of our financial puzzle may be different, but the beauty is that now I have the confidence to put them into the places that work best for my family and my business.
And that, my friends, is freedom!
→ finally making money doing what you love!
→ providing real income for your family without having to sacrifice all your time and energy to the non-stop hustle.
→ transforming your business (and life!) just like hundreds of other men and women who’ve implemented this proven business blueprint.
If that sounds like a dream year, then I want to invite you to join us inside The Blueprint Model!
→ finally making money doing what you love!
→ providing real income for your family without having to sacrifice all your time and energy to the non-stop hustle.
→ transforming your business (and life!) just like hundreds of other men and women who’ve implemented this proven business blueprint.
If that sounds like a dream year, then I want to invite you to join us inside The Blueprint Model!
March 7, 2019
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