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The Surprising Truth About Taking Time Off

Inspiration fuels Innovation. Are you neglecting the one thing that could actually move your business forward faster? Most business owners put themselves last. Trust me, I still fall into this trap easily. It’s easy to believe time off is a luxury and self-care is selfish. I get it, there is too much to do and […]

The surprising truth about time off from your business | What I know now is that those we deem "most successful" have incredible work-life boundaries. Here’s how. | Shanna Skidmore #annualplanning #myblueprintyear #entrepreneur


Inspiration fuels Innovation. Are you neglecting the one thing that could actually move your business forward faster?

The surprising truth about time off from your business | What I know now is that those we deem "most successful" have incredible work-life boundaries. Here’s how. | Shanna Skidmore #annualplanning #myblueprintyear #entrepreneur

Most business owners put themselves last. Trust me, I still fall into this trap easily. It’s easy to believe time off is a luxury and self-care is selfish. I get it, there is too much to do and time away just feels like an impossible feat.

Did you know 52% of Americans leave vacation time unused?! *what?!* (source)

Related : How to take time off without losing momentum

I used to think success was a bi-product of eat, sleep, live your business. I thought a life outside work was laziness or a luxury only available after earning your keep.

What I know now is that those we deem “most successful” have incredible work-life boundaries.

Names like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs all made a “think week” a priority. A week to get OUT of your business, to work ON your business. Often it takes jumping off the speeding treadmill we call life, to create a quieter space where innovation and improvement can truly flourish.

Let me take you back to 2016, Kyle and I were about a month into our three-month road-trip across the country. We were sitting at the top of a hillside overlooking the water in Vancouver when an older couple approached us. They said “it’s good you’re doing this now while you’re young.” They proceeded to tell us of their adventures, we told them of ours. As I considered their words I was reminded again why we chose to take three-months away from my business to make that road-trip happen.


Meet My Blueprint Year

There were definitely times on the road I would wonder how much more money we would have made had we stayed, how much debt we could have paid off instead.. Then I meet us 50 years down the road saying “do it now. save up. And go.” Though maybe I could have moved the needle a little further forward in my business if I had forgone those three months off… The work would have been tired and lack inspiration.

Instead, making room for rest and rejuvenation meant I was ready to do my best work when I got back to the office. This is a big reason I love annual planning! It allows me to STAY INSPIRED by intentionally choosing to make room for things we love : like travel and trips to Target ?❤️!

For you it may not be travel, but find what it is that re-inspires you.  Make room in your schedule for it! You’re the boss, never forget that! Otherwise we will look back and wonder what we spent all our money and time on. Find your thing. Save up. And go.


The surprising truth about time off from your business | What I know now is that those we deem "most successful" have incredible work-life boundaries. Here’s how. | Shanna Skidmore #annualplanning #myblueprintyear #entrepreneur


November 1, 2018

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