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Three Month Photos with Madelyn

  We are absolutely loving life with our little sweetheart. She is an absolute joy, super easy going (for the most part!), happy and smiley! Sadly, Madelyn missed her nap the morning on the photoshoot (total mom fail!), so we didn’t get her sweet smile and joyful personality on camera (which is actually rare for […]




We are absolutely loving life with our little sweetheart. She is an absolute joy, super easy going (for the most part!), happy and smiley! Sadly, Madelyn missed her nap the morning on the photoshoot (total mom fail!), so we didn’t get her sweet smile and joyful personality on camera (which is actually rare for her to not be smiling lol). But she was an absolute trooper despite being exhausted and these photos turned out gorgeous. I love having images inside our home and outside on the ridge overlooking Lake Superior. We are blessed to live in such a magical place.

I didn’t realize how big she’s gotten until I compared her newborn photos to these three month photos captured by Angela Rose Photography. Gosh, I’m just so thankful for the opportunity to freeze these moments in time.

Madelyn is a light and life is so very sweet.




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July 6, 2021

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