

I once heard someone say that it takes 18 months after a big life change to feel like yourself again. And while becoming a mom brings out a whole *new* person, you know… I can definitely say I’m feeling more “settled in”. It’s been such a wonderful and gigantic 18 months! In the midst of […]

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Wow, mama is teary-eyed over here thinking how quickly this past year has gone! Our little Madelyn James is one! So much has changed in a year: Madelyn has gone from smiling and coo’ing to talking in what feels like complete sentences (incoherent of course but couldn’t be cuter). From not even rolling over to practically walking […]

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A year of soaking up every moment and memory we can.  A year of changing diapers, checking the monitor, rocking, reading, singing, bath time, bottles and bite bites. A year of re-learning who I am—as a mom, wife, and business owner. This year has come with a lot of change! A new little human, moving […]

These past few months it feels like Madelyn has graduated from baby to toddler. She’s playing more independently, crawling everywhere, cruising along all the furniture, and opening up every cabinet door she can find! As  a first time mom I’ve found myself doing a lot of research on baby products, something I didn’t really anticipate […]

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Hey Miss Personality!!! Ten months has been fun and busy! Our little girl is quite the explorer and keeps us on our toes. She’s pulling up on anything and everything, started climbing the stairs, and is an active little lady! She loves playing with her cousins and meeting new friends at the gym nursery. She’s […]

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Today my sweet girl is nine months old. I cannot believe it. This month has flown by.. In fact, the past three months have flown by. Since moving to Tennessee our lives have been a non-stop whirlwind. We moved into our house less than two months ago and it’s been a revolving door of friends […]

After a thousand mile move halfway across the country and living with the grandparents for 6 weeks when our closing date was moved back a month … we are finally in our new house! Just a week into officially being Tennesseeans, we had Bethany Sams come over to capture our girl at 7 months old! […]

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Gosh, time is flying by and our little angel is already six months old. I can hardly believe how much she has grown this past month and all the milestones she is hitting. I feel like in just the last week or so she’s become so much less “baby” and her big personality is shining […]

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We blinked and our sweet little angel is 6 months old. Madelyn has grown up so much in the past month. She’s wiggly and always on the move, rolling around like crazy and trying her hardest to crawl! She’s already able to get up on her knees and push with her feet. My sweet tiny […]

In the final days of a *two year* renovation project, a complete overhaul and relaunch of my signature course, The Blueprint Model, and a big secret I can’t yet share…. Miss Madelyn James turned five months old! She’s an absolute ray of sunshine, sleeps through the crazy construction noise and the complete chaos happening at […]

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Two Words : Baby Kisses! How can it be? Four months? The best way I can describe life right now is to tell you a story. Yesterday I went for a run … my first run in over a year! 3.11 miles was rouuughhhh but so strangely wonderful. Naturally I collapsed on the floor once […]

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  We are absolutely loving life with our little sweetheart. She is an absolute joy, super easy going (for the most part!), happy and smiley! Sadly, Madelyn missed her nap the morning on the photoshoot (total mom fail!), so we didn’t get her sweet smile and joyful personality on camera (which is actually rare for […]


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