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How I made Self-Care a Priority in my Business

By Caitlin Jane Miller, as told by Sara Shelton Part of our “My Blueprint Story” Series Confession: I’m balancing a lot. Honestly, who isn’t balancing a lot these days? As creative entrepreneurs, we’re all doing a bit of a juggling act, aren’t we? On my plate right now is a full-time job in finance, a […]

How I made Self-Care a Priority in my Business with Caitlin Jane Miller of Caitlin Jane Calligraphy. Join us as Caitlin shares three ways a self-care plan changed the ways she runs her business. | Shanna Skidmore #theblueprintmodel #selfcare #entrepreneur


By Caitlin Jane Miller, as told by Sara Shelton
Part of our “My Blueprint Story” Series

How I made Self-Care a Priority in my Business with Caitlin Jane Miller of Caitlin Jane Calligraphy. Join us as Caitlin shares three ways a self-care plan changed the ways she runs her business. | Shanna Skidmore #theblueprintmodel #selfcare #entrepreneur

Confession: I’m balancing a lot.

Honestly, who isn’t balancing a lot these days? As creative entrepreneurs, we’re all doing a bit of a juggling act, aren’t we? On my plate right now is a full-time job in finance, a soon-to-be completed MBA degree, and a side hustle that I love as the owner and artist behind Caitlin Jane Calligraphy. If that sounds like a lot at one time, it’s because it is.

I spent the better part of the last couple of years feeling completely out of control. I was operating on auto-pilot through all the things, going through the motions like a robot just to get it all done. With so much going on at once, my attention was pulled in too many different directions. I could barely do it all, and if I did, I wasn’t doing it well.

In short, I was crazed.

And that’s exactly how I stumbled into the Blueprint Model. I wanted to give my best to my business, and running myself ragged wasn’t allowing me to do that. But my time spent in the Blueprint Model allowed me to set a plan to change this crazed lifestyle and get a little control back in my business.

The plan? It was all about self-care.

Step One:

Prioritize my “yes”

Like most business owners, I tend to say “yes” to everything. And while that might make me some money, it takes away my time. For me, time is a core motivator, and something I most definitely didn’t want to sacrifice. In order to slow down and actually do my job well, I had to start prioritizing my “yes.” Now, if a job is a good fit and at the right time, I take on the project. If not? Well, enter Step Two!

Step Two:

Learn to say “no” unapologetically

This one is hard for a lot of us women, right? But when I decided to say “no,” I did it without an apology, explanation, or reason. I didn’t need to qualify my reason for saying no to a project; I just had to say it. Believe it or not, “No.” can actually be a complete sentence!

So, if a project comes in that I don’t want to take on, now I just politely decline it and move on.

Step Three:

Focus on me

You can’t pour from an empty cup. So, if you aren’t taking care of yourself first, you can’t take care of your clients, family, friends, or anyone else. In order to make sure I was good, I had to focus some time on taking care of myself first. Now, I prioritize things like meal prep, gym time, sleep, and even downtime at home.

I focus on these things first, and I do it without guilt. Because introducing and maintaining a self-care plan has not only changed the way I feel about my business, but it’s changed the way my business works.


*Headshot photo credit: Leaha Bourgeois, Popography


→ finally making money doing what you love!

→ understanding your core motivator in life and business

→ providing real income for your family without having to sacrifice all your time and energy to the non-stop hustle.

→ transforming your business (and life!) just like hundreds of other men and women who’ve implemented this proven business blueprint.

If that sounds like a dream year, then I want to invite you to join us inside The Blueprint Model!


How I made Self-Care a Priority in my Business with Caitlin Jane Miller of Caitlin Jane Calligraphy. Join us as Caitlin shares three ways a self-care plan changed the ways she runs her business. | Shanna Skidmore #theblueprintmodel #selfcare #entrepreneur


June 6, 2019

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