

I’ve been journaling since I was about 12 years old. I would like to tell you a romantic story about how I picked up pen and paper on my own and started writing down poetic thoughts at a young age (if only ?). Here’s how it really went down. I got in trouble … at […]

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Wow! It’s been quite the year. How about for you? Here’s what I love about annual planning and monthly check-ins like these: It keeps me on track, focused, and constantly shifting my weight to stay aligned with what matters most. I imagine a boat captain making constant subtle shifts to the wheel to keep the […]

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And just like that the first ¼ of the 2019 is behind us!  Wow! What a month! What a first quarter! How are you tracking toward your big goals? I’ll tell you what… this first quarter of 2019 has been surprising and unexpected. I would imagine like me, you’ve had your own unexpected twists and […]

While this month may not look revolutionary on paper, it was a month I dare so I will look back on in years to come as a 30-day period that changed the direction of our lives. Here’s the thing about plans, they change!  Kyle and I have some big news to share with you this […]

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Are you someone who sets a word of the year? I remember the first word of the year I ever created. It was during my very first Blueprint Retreat back in 2014. We ended the retreat with elementary age art supplies, a sheet of paper, a great playlist on bluetooth (of course) and time to […]

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Are you someone who sets a word of the year? I remember the first word of the year I ever created. It was during my very first Blueprint Retreat back in 2014. We ended the retreat with elementary age art supplies, a sheet of paper, a great playlist on bluetooth (of course) and time to […]

2019 is off to a wild start! I’ve sat down to write this post about five times already and here we are already getting it out a week late. That’s just how 2019 has been … and sometimes that’s just how life is. Amen? The team and I walked into 2019 with a plan in […]

January taught me that sometimes even the best plans get side-tracked, they get interrupted, they get changed. My January review and February goals. | Shanna Skidmore #goals #annualplanning #myblueprintyear

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I love the clean-slate, fresh-start of a new year! But I also know for many years setting goals came with some big-time expectation that I was going to change overnight. My tendencies to overeat or skip workouts will magically disappear when the clock strikes midnight? Ahem… As if! You might have found yourself in the […]

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“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah Goals haven’t always treated me kindly. In fact, for many years I felt pretty defeated by missed goals. Yearly I would sit down and write out big goals: how much money I was going to make, how much weight […]

When was the last time you achieved a big goal? I’m willing to bet it’s when you had something you really wanted in mind and then created a set of action steps to get you there! Where I see us get goal setting wrong is stating a big lofty goal into the universe, but then […]

Goal setting isn't just about achievement and success, it's about deciding what matters and making intentional choices so those things actually happen. | Shanna Skidmore #entreprenuer #annualplanning #goalsetting

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Inspiration fuels Innovation. Are you neglecting the one thing that could actually move your business forward faster? Most business owners put themselves last. Trust me, I still fall into this trap easily. It’s easy to believe time off is a luxury and self-care is selfish. I get it, there is too much to do and […]

The surprising truth about time off from your business | What I know now is that those we deem "most successful" have incredible work-life boundaries. Here’s how. | Shanna Skidmore #annualplanning #myblueprintyear #entrepreneur

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How do you stay on track with your goals month by month? + 3 Mo Planning Guide My friend Katelyn just had a baby and she has a doula that helps her. One of the things she shared with me that her doula shared with her is that babies thrive in routines – not schedules. […]

How I stay on track with my goals month by month | And a 3 month planning guide you can use to help set your own monthly goals! Grab your free guide here! | Shanna Skidmore #creative #entrepreneur #planningguide #money


From no paydays to regular paychecks, Fear of charging to confidence in pricing, no money left over to a show on the Magnolia Network...


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