

Eighteen months ago I announced that I would be closing my business after seven incredibly wonderful (and exhausting!) years. It was one of the hardest decisions Kyle and I have ever had to make. If you’re new to Skidmore Consulting, you can read more about the decision to close, HERE. Today, I’m excited to announce […]

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Back in 2014, I was officially about six months into my business and buried by client work, dodging phone calls and scared to open my email. I made deadlines and promises I couldn’t keep and it was all catching up to me. In an act of desperation I decided to take a month-long break from […]

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Achiever. It’s an attribute I can look back and see in myself even as a young child. I’m a competitor. Trying new things is my jam and I’m always up for a challenge. For me it’s not about being the best, but I always want to give my best. So, I work really hard at […]

It’s been six months since officially announcing 2019 as my last year in business. Well, today is the day! After hitting “publish” on this post, I’m officially closing up shop! These past six months have already been a season of slowing down .. of finding rest. It’s been a time to stop the rushed “doing” […]

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This past week I sat in the back row behind over 150 other creative entrepreneurs listening to speaker after speaker give encouragement, insight, and big takeaways on how to grow our businesses in 2019. I am still processing nuggets of wisdom from so many speakers but today I want to let you in on some […]

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As told to Shanna Skidmore by Ashlyn Carter, written by Sara Shelton Part of our “My Blueprint Story” Series I was only two years into my business when I got pregnant with our first child. I had left the world of corporate marketing to pursue my own career as a copywriter for creative entrepreneurs. And […]


From no paydays to regular paychecks, Fear of charging to confidence in pricing, no money left over to a show on the Magnolia Network...


Calling all business owners seeking financial guidance— I've got your back!