

The year is halfway over. Yet, we still have six months left. Perspective is everything! Whether you feel like you’re crushing your goals or in the messy middle unsure if you’ll even come close to the goals you set this year… sitting down with your goals in a mid-year review is a great way to […]

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Updated June 18, 2024 | Originally published March 12, 2019 As part of our Two-Cents Tuesday series. It’s Two-Cents Tuesday Episode 11! Each every other week I’ll be answering audience submitted questions over on my YouTube Channel! Today’s question comes from Suz. She asks : “I have so much trouble biting the bullet for big purchases. […]

Photo of family budgeting worksheets by Shanna Skidmore

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According to this study 68% of people would rather talk about their weight or sex life than money— ehhh. So let’s go there? When it comes to money talk, budgeting has got to be the worst? Even as a former fortune 100 financial advisor, self-proclaimed numbers nerd and financial consultant for the past twelve years […]

This entrepreneur sold his company to NASDAQ for $700M dollars and shared there were days when the bank account was “down to the last $1,000 dollars”. That to say, though it feels alarming and should put us on high alert, money being tight from time to time should not surprise us. Slow seasons in business […]

Photo of girl in white button down drinking cold brew and working on computer.

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If you’re part of the 65% of small business owners who don’t pay themselves consistently or the 27% funding your business with wages from another job…you aren’t alone! My hope is that todays post will help you finally take that consistent paycheck you’ve likely been longing for! Word on the street is that it’s normal […]

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Confession: I’ve totally been that person a week before taxes were due sorting through receipts and trying to get my quickbooks up to date. I know from experience that if you don’t make room to stay on top of your finances consistently, it’s a task that inevitably ends up on the back burner. Which is […]

Photo of desk while showing how to work on small business finances

Each year I set a modest goal to read 1 book per month. I have friends that read 1 book a week and I am truly amazed. I am a slow, methodical, underline half the book kind of reader — so finding the uninterrupted reading time I require to really dig into a book isn’t […]

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I’m not going to lie, 2023 was a trip! Our biggest business goal of the year was to restructure our offers and sales systems. Though we haven’t seen the fruits of that labor just yet, I am truly so so glad we took the time to rebuild so much of the back-end of our business […]

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A new year is upon us and for many that means New Year’s Resolutions, goal-setting, and creating a word or intention for the year! I love the start of a new year, a fresh start, a clean slate. While some years I feel ready to go come January 1st, other years I feel a little […]

I received a text from a friend this week that said, “is it just me, or is this week the weirdest week of the year?”. While you may feel just like my friend, that after Christmas before New Years I’m not quite sure what to do with my time vibe, I have actually come to […]

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It was November 2013 when we pressed “publish” on our very first website announcing the official start to Skidmore Consulting! A decade has passed since that day and I can hardly believe it! I sit here humbled and so very grateful for the ability to do this work for the past ten years. Being self-employed […]

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As an entrepreneur, the start of a new year can host an array of feelings. Hope & excitement, eagerness & maybe even overwhelm – all hold a place as you dream & plan for the year ahead. We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite quotes for the new year to help inspire, encourage, & […]

Photo of girl walking by in neutral colored home


From no paydays to regular paychecks, Fear of charging to confidence in pricing, no money left over to a show on the Magnolia Network...


Calling all business owners seeking financial guidance— I've got your back!