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Five Months with Madelyn James

In the final days of a *two year* renovation project, a complete overhaul and relaunch of my signature course, The Blueprint Model, and a big secret I can’t yet share…. Miss Madelyn James turned five months old! She’s an absolute ray of sunshine, sleeps through the crazy construction noise and the complete chaos happening at […]



In the final days of a *two year* renovation project, a complete overhaul and relaunch of my signature course, The Blueprint Model, and a big secret I can’t yet share…. Miss Madelyn James turned five months old!

She’s an absolute ray of sunshine, sleeps through the crazy construction noise and the complete chaos happening at our house right now. She rolls with the punches and usually has a big smile on her face.


We’ve definitely hit a little hiccup with sleep trying to transition out of the swaddle. But we are all learning day by day. Right now she wakes up pretty early but with a little help we can stretch her night sleeps out until 7.

About Madelyn

She’s perfected the happy baby pose. Loves her toes and anything she can chew on. She’s super interested in everything we are eating so I see solids in our near future. She’s kind and sweet, loves music and tree leaves, shadows and is definitely getting interested in Sadie. The cutest thing this month is that she’s started to reach for us and it melts my heart! She’s loving tummy time and playing more with her toys. And while I’d love to just stare at her all day, I’m working on giving her more independent play time. She talks to herself and her toys, she gives kisses, and just rolls around having the best time.


Work has been a lot this month with many late night /early mornings and a few all-nighters. But in the midst of this full season, Madelyn reminds me every day why I do what I do. And I’d choose a season of hustle to get to spend my days with her.

It’s been a really full month, but Madelyn has a way of slowing down each day in the best way. She keeps me in the present moment, and I like that. We sit outside and listen to the wind rustle the chimes. We watch the boats on Lake Superior and soak up the last of the summer sailboat races.

I love every single day with this sweet little lady.




August 18, 2021

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