

There’s a crispness in the air which can only mean one thing…Annual planning season is here!!! Ten years ago, I started the practice of annual planning. With a hot pink three ring binder and eyes twinkling with lofty goals and big dreams, I set out to change the world. Through the years I’ve learned what […]

How do you set intentional goals that keep you FOCUSED on what really matters? | Shanna Skidmore #annualplanning #myblueprintyear

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Have you ever felt like if you looked away from your business for even a moment – it might fall apart or completely lose traction? For an entrepreneur, it’s terrifying to think about putting on the brakes! But what do you do when you are desperate, exhausted and producing work that you know isn’t your […]

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It’s Two Cents Tuesdays ep 7! Each week I’ll be answering audience submitted questions over on my YouTube Channel! Today’s question comes from Robyn. She asks : “A wedding is a life-changing events for two families. I try my best to remember that I’m here to help my client and make beautiful flowers for their […]

What to do when you aren’t booking “portfolio” work? | Here’s my two-cents on this great question from Robyn! Click here to watch. | #twocentstuesday #booking #idealclient

Have you ever believed your business wouldn’t be a “real” business until you hit six-figures? Let me guess, you’ve been running those social media drills for the past few years, but still can’t seem to move the needle forward on actually growing your business. Sometimes it seems in the hustle of trying to do “all […]

Steadfast Society Podcast Feature with Shanna Skidmore

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It’s Two Cents Tuesdays ep.6! Each week I’ll be answering audience submitted questions over on my YouTube Channel! Today’s question comes from Roseanne regarding my year off social media. She asks “My sanity is still in jeopardy in this whole crazy instagram thing. It continues to get to me. I feel like if I don’t […]

Shanna Skidmore

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It’s Two Cents Tuesdays ep.5! Each week I’ll be answering audience submitted questions over on my YouTube Channel! Today’s question comes from Lizzie. She asks “So often we get caught up in the idea of making it big, having thousands of followers on IG and bringing in cash with little work. I don’t have a […]

Battle Negative Self-Talk with Shanna Skidmore

It’s Two Cents Tuesday ep. 4! Each week I”ll be answering audience submitted questions over on my YouTube channel! Today’s question comes from Annalisa. She asks, As a fairly new business owner (freelance graphic designer), I am constantly facing the battle between accepting work at a lower rate just to be able to pay the […]

Photo of desk while showing how to work on small business finances

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This article originally appeared on the Cultivate What Matters Blog It happened one day while I was riding my bike to work (more on that in a minute)…It was a ten mile ride to the office and about an hour of peddling. Atlanta has a deceiving amount of hills. We had lived in Atlanta about […]

Cultivate What Matters in Your Finances

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It’s Two Cents Tuesdays ep. 3! Each week I’ll be answering audience submitted questions over on my YouTube Channel! Today’s question comes from Jennifer. She asks, I enrolled in Quickbooks… I’ve overspent and I’m ashamed.  Please be my intervention! How do you keep track of your money every month without being constantly tied to your bank account? […]

How I Manage my Business Finances Month-by-Month

It’s Two Cents Tuesdays ep. 2! Each week I’ll be answering audience submitted questions over on my YouTube Channel! Today’s question comes from Heidi. She asks, “How do I learn more about what my potential clients actually want? My sister and I own an event planning business and we’re constantly coming up with different product/service […]

Next time you're thinking about expanding your services but not sure which idea to pursue first, don’t waste your time and energy creating a new service, systemizing the process, and deciding on pricing only to hear crickets when you finally launch it! Do this instead!

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It’s Two Cents Tuesdays ep.1 – Each week I’ll be answering audience submitted questions over on my YouTube Channel! Today’s question comes from Vivian. She asks : “I’ve been trying to get less afraid of hearing ‘no’ when quoting a potential client and it’s kind of crazy how emotional it is when someone does say […]

Tired of hearing no when you send over the quote and wondering if anyone will ever book you at the price you actually want to charge?! Three Tips for overcoming objections without feeling like a sleazy salesperson!

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Finance + Law. Two words that send chills up most entrepreneurs’ spines! Mine included. Contracts, Law, Licensing, legal … have always been concepts I’m just not sure I’m getting 100% right! Legal is one of those things I’m going to leave to the professionals! What I wish is that some really smart attorney somewhere would […]

Financial Fundamentals for Creatives with Shanna Skidmore #finance


From no paydays to regular paychecks, Fear of charging to confidence in pricing, no money left over to a show on the Magnolia Network...


Calling all business owners seeking financial guidance— I've got your back!