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The Best Of Articles 2018

Our favorite Articles from “The Best Of 2018” Series It’s that time of year when the lights twinkle and we start reminiscing of all the year has been. ‘Auld Lang Syne’ marks the ending of one and the beginning of a new and “the best of” series can be found throughout the coming weeks. The best songs […]

The Best of 2018 Articles | five articles that you loved the most in 2018! We are talking all things money + finance, mindset and lifestyle! | Shanna Skidmore #theblueprintmodel #bestofseries #finance


Our favorite Articles from “The Best Of 2018” Series

It’s that time of year when the lights twinkle and we start reminiscing of all the year has been. ‘Auld Lang Syne’ marks the ending of one and the beginning of a new and “the best of” series can be found throughout the coming weeks. The best songs of the year, best movies of the year, most memorable this and most comical that.

Sometimes looking back can teach us just as much as looking forward.

If you don’t know this about me by now I’m pretty big on sentimental things. I believe little traditions no matter how small remind me to take the days a little slower, linger a little longer and soak up even the most mundane of days. As busy business owners it is tempting to get swept away from one year to the next but for me taking these weeks to savor the season, reflect on the past and prepare for the new.

Introducing THE BEST OF 2018 series

2018 has been such an incredible year.

It is the year Skidmore Consulting grew from a one-woman show to many. We rounded out The Blueprint Collection by adding a personal finance course (Blueprint at Home) and our guide to annual planning (My Blueprint Year). I finally starting writing on a semi-regular basis and creating free resources I hope help you on your business journey!

And these were some of your favorite articles of 2018!

Best of 2018 Article #1

20 Creative Entrepreneurs Speak Out “What is the Hardest Part about pricing your work?”

But alas, where to begin with pricing? Scour the internet to find similar businesses? Act like a fake client and inquire to get quotes to price compare? What is this work worth? What am I WORTH? I figured I wasn’t alone here so I reached out some other entrepreneurs to hear what they had to say!

Best of 2018 Article #2

The One financial Term Every Entrepreneur needs to know

There are a lot of financial terms and lingo but the MOST IMPORTANT one, the one every entrepreneur needs to know, is MARGIN. I describe Margin as, the leftover. And in business, finances, and time—MARGIN is everything!

Best of 2018 Article #3

How to Charge what you’re worth

Have you ever discounted your price out of fear that the client would say no to what you actually wanted to charge? Whether we discount out of fear, out of obligation to family, friends and “friendors,” or in hopes of building relationships, sometimes it’s easy to wonder if people will ever pay what we want to charge. And then the scarier thoughts take over: “Is something wrong with me for even wanting to charge that?” Whether it’s our bank accounts or our emotions, discounting hurts us.

Best of 2018 Article #4

How to make money doing what you love

Talking about money or asking for the sale feels uncomfortable because it IS uncomfortable. You don’t feel great at it because it takes practice! But here’s a big TRUTH I’ve learned about money and success with sales: You’ve gotta talk about money early and often with your clients!

Best of 2018Article #5

How to calculate your financial need for the upcoming year

As someone that has always dealt with a fluctuating income, traditional budgeting can be so frustrating! Also, budget’s have always felt like a “no you can’t” instead of a “yes you can”. So over the years I developed what I call a “spending plan!” Instead of focusing on the barriers, I focus on the possibilities! I love planning because it allows me to define what is financially ENOUGH for our family and my business!

There you have it friends! Our favorite articles of 2018!


The Best of 2018 Articles | five articles that you loved the most in 2018! We are talking all things money + finance, mindset and lifestyle! | Shanna Skidmore #theblueprintmodel #bestofseries #finance


November 30, 2018

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From no paydays to regular paychecks, Fear of charging to confidence in pricing, no money left over to a show on the Magnolia Network...


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