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September Roundup

It’s Bette Midler’s time to shine! Happy Fall Yall! 🍁 Q4 is upon us and man, I am chasing down some big goals to finish out this year. September Highlights : Business Edition Well, I’m pretty proud of myself. For the first time in…well, ever… I have consistently said hello 👋🏻 to my email insiders […]



It’s Bette Midler’s time to shine! Happy Fall Yall! 🍁 Q4 is upon us and man, I am chasing down some big goals to finish out this year.

September Highlights : Business Edition

Well, I’m pretty proud of myself. For the first time in…well, ever… I have consistently said hello 👋🏻 to my email insiders every Friday for the past 2 months! While, yes, maintaining this level of new content keeps my work days full… its been extremely fun! I am loving writing again and building relationships with my email insiders community. Also, (this was unexpected) I think I’m getting faster at writing, so yay!

I recently had a student ask me if having an email list is *really* necessary: My thoughts on that here → 🎥 Do I need an email list?!


This month we published (5) new podcast episodes and hit double digits in episodes released! ICYMI: Consider the Wildflowers Newly Released 🎤 I am loving this podcast, and love being the host!

Ep. 08. Jen Olmstead: When Living the Dream doesn’t feel Dreamy. 

Ep. 09. Abby Grace Springmann: When is the Right Time to Pivot?

Ep. 10. Brenna Milleville (of Elly&Grace): How to Hire the Right Team at the Right Time

Ep. 11. Hope Taylor Photography: Protecting Mental Wellness as an Entrepreneur

Ep. 12 Mary Marantz: Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots

We published 3 New Blogs 📖 as well!

Student Spotlight : Bonnie of Professional Ascension

Personal : Eighteen Months with Madelyn James

Business : 🎥 Behind our Latest Launch: What worked, What didn’t, and what we are changing moving forward!

Most Proud Moment this month:

Consistency has never been my strong suit. I work in ebbs and flows, sprints and snoozes. So I am really proud of myself for showing up this month for myself and for you! If you haven’t already joined my email insiders list, it’s basically like my social media DMs, so come on over and join the club!

September Highlights: Home Edition

Favorite Memories:

We said farewell to summer at the beach with friends over Labor Day weekend. During our first beach trip back in May, Madelyn wasn’t so sure about the waves. This time she went wave jumping with her daddy and spent hours playing in the sand. It’s safe to say she’s a fan of the beach!

I threw it back to my days doing flowers with Amy Osaba and did all the flowers for Kyle’s nieces wedding in Ohio! Madelyn loved dancing and twirling in her poofy dress and I loved getting my hands in flowers again. We had so much fun being with family and enjoying some sweet days in Ohio.

The mornings are getting chilly and the air is crisp. It’s starting to feel like Fall in Tennessee! Our porch is decorated with mums and heirloom pumpkins, I got some pumpkin spice creamer and made chili pie, and slowly starting to get out my Fall decor. We found a new favorite farm near our house and took a little hay ride, picked pumpkins and had a blast going down the slide!

Madelyn is officially 18 months and is as cute as can be!

Oh and we definitely cheered on our Vols 🏈 to win over FL this past Saturday! GBO 🧡 VFL!

Currently Reading:

I fell in love with this Children’s book on gratitude this month.

Recent Watch:

If you’re a fan of The Lord of the Rings, this series on Netflix is actually pretty good!

Around the House:

This is unimportant but I need you to know- I’m pretty sure Halloween is Kyle’s favorite holiday and for me, well, let’s just say it’s NOT mine.

Kyle is currently planning a group trip to a local haunted house, while the most *spooky* I get stops at Hocus Pocus. I have finally consented to allowing this skeleton to sit on our piano bench and just purchased these bats for outdoor decor. But that’s where I draw the line.

Halloween Inspiration:

In an attempt to get in the Halloween spirit and to make Kyle’s favorite holiday special, I pulled some “Shanna approved” Halloween decor inspiration.

Fall Decor Favorites :

This pumpkin sits on my mantle. I love this outdoor rug.

Halloween Decor Favorites:

These black crows, these black bats, and this skeleton. Also, I just bought these black candles to go in these black candlesticks I’m excited to use.

Currently Obsessed With :

Madelyn’s Favorite Halloween Themed Children’s Book. “Beep. Beep. Beep”, she says!


Comment Below :

When it comes to Fall decor are you more of the “Fall Festival” type or “Haunted Halloween”?!




September 30, 2022

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