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The Best of My Blueprint Story 2018

Our top five My Blueprint Story Features from “The Best Of 2018” Series Happy almost Merry Christmas! I don’t think I’d be wrong in saying we’ve saved the best of our “best of” series for last! As I’ve gotten more into teaching finance and not just doing finance I’ve taken a lot of notes to how people […]

The Best Of My Blueprint Story 2018 | My Blueprint Story features real-life, real-results, from real people! From first in business to fifteenth, from solopreneur to small team, and representing every industry. These stories are bound to make you laugh, cry, nod your head “yes” and hopefully leave you encouraged on your own journey! | Shanna Skidmore #theblueprintmodel #myblueprintstory


Our top five My Blueprint Story Features from “The Best Of 2018” Series

Happy almost Merry Christmas! I don’t think I’d be wrong in saying we’ve saved the best of our “best of” series for last!

As I’ve gotten more into teaching finance and not just doing finance I’ve taken a lot of notes to how people learn best in order to become the best teacher I can be.

I’ve come to realize one of the ways people learn best is through storytelling and real-life stories!

One of my favorite podcasts is How I Built This. It shares stories of entrepreneurs who have built incredible organizations and I learn so much (and just get super encouraged) by their stories of trial, error, overcoming and breakthrough.

However, I think there’s something to be said about hearing stories from the people not just 100 steps in front of you … but the real-life stories of people who may or may not ever be featured on a How I Built This platform.

These are the stories of us!

This year, it was one of my greatest honors to take the focus off of me and put the focus on the incredible stories of my students! My Blueprint Story features real-life, real-results, from real people!

From first in business to fifteenth, from solopreneur to small team, and representing every industry. These stories are bound to make you laugh, cry, nod your head “yes” and hopefully leave you encouraged on your own journey!

While I could never pick a favorite, these are five stories I have no doubt will encourage, inspire and challenge you in the best kind of way!

Best of 2018

My Blueprint Story #1

Diana | How I Paid Off a $30k Business Loan in Nine Month

Snippet from Diana : Yes, I had a solid $30,000 business loan still lingering over my head. And suddenly, I felt the weight of it. It was holding me back from seeing any of the reward of all the hard work and hustle I’d put into this business. So I told my husband that I had one goal: to pay that debt off in one year.

Read Diana’s Full Story

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Best of 2018

My Blueprint Story #2

Jessica | How I Launched My Greeting Card Company Debt Free

Snippet from Jessica : But can I be honest with you guys for a second? I also carried a ton of shame around money. There was a lot of guilt in my mind because I believed I would never be good at understanding or managing my money like a “real adult.” It made me feel weak, even like a failure at times.

So it may come as a surprise to hear that I, the former failure at all things money management, am now closing in on my first year of running a product-based business both balanced and debt-free.

Read Jessica’s Full Story

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Best of 2018

My Blueprint Story #3

Heather | How I Created a Business That Inspires Me Without The Pressure of Paying My Bills


Yes, that’s right, I’m running a successful, blossoming business photographing luxury destination weddings for couples all over the world, and I’m also willingly holding down a part-time job here at home.

Read Heather’s Full Story

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Best of 2018

My Blueprint Story #4

Lindsay | How I balance being a busy event planner and a brand new mom

Snippet from Lindsay : Then, we got pregnant a few years ago. And now staring down the reality that this long-awaited blessing of a child would join our family, I realized that while I had a business plan, it didn’t include my family. There was no room in my plan for growing this business and my family. In other words, my business plan left no margin for my family, and now, I needed a family plan more than ever!

Read Lindsay’s Full Story

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Best of 2018

My Blueprint Story #5

Laura | How I took a 4-week vacation my very first year in business

Snippet from Laura : The hustle is real. And so is the burnout. That means things like rest and relaxation have to be a priority if you want to keep going and growing as a freelancer. That’s why, even in my first year of business, I made a point to make sure I could take a four week vacation with my husband. Yes, you read that right: four…. whole…. weeks.

Counting the cost of the materials was one thing – I tried to only buy exactly what I needed. But what about my time? Am I calculating the hours I spend consulting, creating, and crafting into my pricing? The calls, the meals, the texts? Am I valuing my hours the same way I value my dollars? That mental shift was a game changer for me. It changed everything about my business, from the work I take to what I charge.

Read Laura’s Full Story

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It’s an honor to get to do this work day in and day out. These are the stories that keep me going!  When you’re ready to get serious about making money doing what you love and stop sacrificing every minute to what feels like non-stop hustle, I’d love to be a part of getting you there!

Who knows, maybe you’ll be the one on this list next year?!


The Best Of My Blueprint Story 2018 | My Blueprint Story features real-life, real-results, from real people! From first in business to fifteenth, from solopreneur to small team, and representing every industry. These stories are bound to make you laugh, cry, nod your head “yes” and hopefully leave you encouraged on your own journey! | Shanna Skidmore #theblueprintmodel #myblueprintstory


December 20, 2018

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