SS Features


Thinking about taking a social media detox (or maybe quitting altogether)?  When I left Instagram back in 2017, I had no idea the impact it would have on not only my business, but also my relationships. I’m able to work 20-hour weeks and spend more time with family – my life feels much more peaceful. […]

Photo of iphone on couch

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My Proven Pricing Strategy for Small Business | Law Chat with Girija Podcast Feature One of the biggest frustrations you’ll face as an entrepreneur is determining your pricing strategy for small business. Are you charging too much or not enough? How can you raise your rates without scaring people off? What does it really mean […]

Writing on paper your pricing strategy for small business

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My 10-Step Money Date Checklist | Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast Feature As business owners, we all know how important it is to stay on top of our finances. But without a monthly money date checklist to follow, it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks. In this episode of the Systems and Workflow […]

As glamorous as it sounds to have six-figure launches and seven-figure years, there’s more to business than reaching your next revenue goal – and those flashy sales numbers don’t mean much if you aren’t making a profit. A profitable business should be the goal. In this episode of So, Here’s the Thing, Laylee Emadi and […]

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Is it Time to Quit Instagram? | Luminary Leadership Podcast Feature Can quit Instagram and build a successful online business? Since I quit Instagram back in 2017, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been asked this question. You probably know by now that the answer is a resounding yes! I doubled my revenue […]

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Calculating Your Enough Number | Motherhood Anthology Podcast Feature What does “enough” look like to you? Do you know your “enough number”? To me, enough is the place where abundance and contentment meet, and it’s different for every business owner. I joined host Kim Box for a two-part episode on the Motherhood Anthology Podcast to […]

How to Grow Your Business Without Social Media | Work and Play Podcast Feature If there’s one thing I’m known for besides talking about money, it’s my decision to quit social media. What started as a year-long break in 2017 has turned into a completely different way of doing business. Since replacing our Instagram traffic […]

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Play It Brave Podcast Feature When I came back from taking a year off in 2020, the digital marketing landscape looked nothing like I remembered. The online course market had become crowded and competitive, and the marketing strategy we used to rely on was no longer effective. Although we had to make some major shifts […]

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Being an entrepreneur was not the life I pictured for myself. With a degree in art, psychology, and finance, I always felt like a misfit puzzle, unable to figure out how all those things fit together. I tried so many things before starting my business – accounting, investment banking, floral design. A college internship helped […]

One of my greatest joys is watching others transform their stories to build businesses and lives they love. Empowering others to understand their numbers and become financially independent is my biggest goal. Which is why I’m so excited to share today’s podcast feature with Catherine Guidry of  Mistakes Make Magic, where we dive into the […]

The importance of becoming financially independent as a creative. Mistakes Make Magic Podcast Feature. | Shanna Skidmore #finance #theblueprintmodel #businessmodel

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This article originally appeared on the Megan Martin Creative blog. It’s easy to think as business owners we have to get it all right. Everything from email lists to Instagram algorithms to pricing our products. I don’t know about you but sometimes that “should do” list can get quite overwhelming! What if I told you […]

The five simple numbers you need to know that determine your success. | Shanna Skidmore #money #numberstoknow

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It’s no secret around here that I love flowers. Almost eight years ago, I moved to Atlanta for my husband to go back to school and I personally needed more creativity in my career. With my background in finance, psychology and art, I found myself working in the floral industry schlepping buckets for almost three […]

The Flower Podcast Feature : The #1 most important number to know in your business and WHY! | Shanna Skidmore #finance #creative #entrepreneur


From no paydays to regular paychecks, Fear of charging to confidence in pricing, no money left over to a show on the Magnolia Network...


Calling all business owners seeking financial guidance— I've got your back!