

I’m currently writing this on December 9th and that pretty much sums up November! It was a mad dash of work projects and home life! It was big and grand and full in good and challenging ways. November has me looking forward to (and fighting for) a slower pace this December.  November Highlights: Business Edition  […]

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Over the past 20 months I have absolutely loved researching and shopping and learning how to love on our girl with intentional, educational, and fun gifts. TBH, I was actually surprised with how much time I’ve spent researching products. I am sure all the parents out there (or soon to be parents) can relate, there […]

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I think when it comes to Holiday shopping, we tend to envision our loved ones unwrapping a beautiful gift thoughtfully picked out for them. But if you’re anything like our family, it looks more like tiny humans ripping through paper and boxes Ariana Grande style like “thank you, next!” Though I love a good Christmas […]

It’s no surprise that I have a special place in my heart for small business owners. It’s why I do what I do everyday, to help others make their dreams of owning a business a reality. Owning and running a small business is not for the faint of heart, I know I don’t have to […]

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Back in my days as a Fortune 100 Financial Advisor my work gear consisted of black power suits and 3-inch high heels. And though I long ago said goodbye to those beloved high heels, as an entrepreneur I have found another set of gear that is essential to create a distraction free, zone of productivity! […]

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As a mom of a busy toddler, running a company, and trying to maintain a regular date night … these are items that I personally love and continually show up on my Christmas wish list year after year. 1) $50 – I have used this yearly prayer journal from Val Marie Paper for years and […]

It’s no secret, I’m a big fan of seasonal decor. In a world that feels so fast paced, I’ve found that taking the time to intentionally mark a season with a change in decor or family traditions (no matter how big or small), makes the time pass more slowly. In my goal setting course, My […]

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It’s no secret that our little baby girl is a total bookworm and I cannot tell you how much it warms my heart to hear her sitting on the floor “reading” herself a book. Her sweet little animated voice melts my heart. So naturally, her seasonal pillow loving mama has now become obsessed with collecting […]

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I am the type of person who likes to get my Christmas shopping done before the end of November while simultaneously being the person who refuses to decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving is over. One must not forget Thanksgiving!  However, with sales starting earlier, Holiday open houses already in full swing, and stores decorating for […]

This has been one of my favorite Octobers of all time. The leaves in Tennessee are absolutely gorgeous. Madelyn’s personality is so precious and we are just having the most fun with her. We are hitting our groove as parents and our groove working together in the business.  October is such a special month for […]

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Twelve years. Wow. It’s flown!  Something I love about Kyle and I is how natural we are together. Don’t get me wrong, we get on each other’s nerves and have to work on our communication! But we are, and have always been, really good friends.  With that said, this year was both incredibly wonderful and […]

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Thirty-Eight turns around the sun! What a gift!  We are in Tennessee! And it’s a gorgeous October already. I slept in and spent the morning with my favorite two humans. Kyle had planned a little scavenger hunt around the house (one of my favorite birthday things)!  The scavenger hunt kicked off with an iced coffee […]


From no paydays to regular paychecks, Fear of charging to confidence in pricing, no money left over to a show on the Magnolia Network...


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